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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-15865

Add Progress Dialog when opening Cordova Plug-in Discovery Dialog


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.2.0.Beta2
    • 4.1.1.Beta1
    • aerogear-hybrid
    • None

      1. Create Hybrid Mobile Project
      2. Open config.xml file in Cordova Configuration Editor
      3. Select tab Platform Properties and click to add Features

      It takes couple of seconds to open Cordova Plug-in Discovery Dialog and user doesn't know what's going on. At the begining mouse cursor is in state waiting but latter it's state is normal for couple of seconds but dialog is still not open.

      Would be nice to inform users what's going on when opening this dialog

              gercan@redhat.com Gorkem Ercan (Inactive)
              vpakan Vlado Pakan (Inactive)
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              2 Start watching this issue
