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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-13987

Improve project wizards in JBoss Central : Proxy Wizards


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      JBoss Central now displays wizards for plugins that may not have been installed yet. for instance, it will display the OpenShift Application link even if you don't have the JBoss OpenShift tooling installed. Clicking on that link will ask you to install the required OpenShift features.

      Moreover that wizard list can be updated, reordered at anytime remotely from the JBoss Tools team.

      As part of this change, the GWT Project wizard has been replaced by the Maven Project wizard.
      JBoss Central now displays wizards for plugins that may not have been installed yet. for instance, it will display the OpenShift Application link even if you don't have the JBoss OpenShift tooling installed. Clicking on that link will ask you to install the required OpenShift features. Moreover that wizard list can be updated, reordered at anytime remotely from the JBoss Tools team. As part of this change, the GWT Project wizard has been replaced by the Maven Project wizard.

      The "Start from scratch" section (formerly known as Project section) in JBoss Central needs to support the following requirements :

      • wizard list (label/order/description) must be updateable remotely
      • show wizards (including the proper icon) even if their contributing plugins are missing
      • when clicking on the wizard link in JBoss Central, if the wizard is available then open it, else, install the required plugins

      The general idea here is to use some kind of proxy wizard. A proxy wizard model should have the following attributes :

      • id : the proxy wizard id
      • label : the proxy wizard label shown in JBoss Central
      • wizardId : the real wizard id used by Central to open the wizard dialog
      • iconPath : the path to the wizard icon (independent of required connector)
      • description : the description shown in Central when hovering over the wizard link
      • requiredConnectorIds : the connector ids to install if the real wizard is not available
      • priority : order in which the wizard is displayed in JBoss Central

      The proxy wizards will be declared in the jboss-discovery.jar plugin.xml (to minimize build / maintenance overhead). The jar will also include the required icons.

      The jar will be fetched remotely by the discovery mechanism but a cached version must be kept for offline usage.

              manderse@redhat.com Max Andersen
              fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
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