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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-13171

OpenShift Connection wizard not storing passwords.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.0.0.CR1
    • 4.0.0.CR1
    • openshift
    • Hide
      • EXEC: recreate secure storage (to be sure of empty content)
      • EXEC: open OpenShift Explorer
      • EXEC: create connection to default server (not storing pwd)
      • EXEC: created connection to INT server (not storing pwd)
      • EXEC: select the first account (to default server)
      • EXEC: click on connect to openshift (credentials should be pre-filled), select to store pwd
      • RESULT#1: pwd not stored in secure storage
      • EXEC: select and expand second account (to INT server)
      • EXEC: click on connect to openshift, select to store pwd
      • RESULT#2: pwd also not stored in secure storage
      EXEC: recreate secure storage (to be sure of empty content) EXEC: open OpenShift Explorer EXEC: create connection to default server (not storing pwd) EXEC: created connection to INT server (not storing pwd) EXEC: select the first account (to default server) EXEC: click on connect to openshift (credentials should be pre-filled), select to store pwd RESULT#1: pwd not stored in secure storage EXEC: select and expand second account (to INT server) EXEC: click on connect to openshift, select to store pwd RESULT#2: pwd also not stored in secure storage

            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            sbunciak-rh Stefan Bunciak
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
