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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-13090

PortForwarding dialog should inform that application may be stopped if no port is retrieved from server


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      When attempting to retrieve information on the ports used by an OpenShift application, the PortForwarding dialog could return an empty list without providing an explanation, leading to user confusion. The OpenShift PortForwarding dialog has now been updated to inform a user that the application may not be runinng if no port is retrieved from server.
      When attempting to retrieve information on the ports used by an OpenShift application, the PortForwarding dialog could return an empty list without providing an explanation, leading to user confusion. The OpenShift PortForwarding dialog has now been updated to inform a user that the application may not be runinng if no port is retrieved from server.
    • Documented as Resolved Issue

      If the application is stopped, the port-forwarding dialog will display an empty list. An error message should alter the user that the application may be stopped.

      Also, the 'Start All' button should be disabled.

            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            xcoulon@redhat.com Xavier Coulon
            Isaac Rooskov Isaac Rooskov (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
