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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-12658

SSH keys wizard: deleting a character in the private key, does not delete it for the public key


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      1. ASSERT: make sure you have a valid user account on OpenShift
      2. EXEC: choose Manage SSH Keys from the context menu in the OpenShift Explorer
      3. EXEC: create New key
      4. EXEC: type a name for the private key
      5. ASSERT: public key gets the same characters as the ones you type for the private key
      6. EXEC: delete a character

      The wizard does not delete the character in the text field for the public key. In fact the characters typed for the private key only get added to the public key as soon as the private key matches the name of the public key again.

      ASSERT: make sure you have a valid user account on OpenShift EXEC: choose Manage SSH Keys from the context menu in the OpenShift Explorer EXEC: create New key EXEC: type a name for the private key ASSERT: public key gets the same characters as the ones you type for the private key EXEC: delete a character Result: The wizard does not delete the character in the text field for the public key. In fact the characters typed for the private key only get added to the public key as soon as the private key matches the name of the public key again.
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            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
