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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-1176

Make Seam Web Project support the JPA facet


      This is not a super-high priority, since the JPA support in Eclipse is kinda lame, but New Seam Web Project should support the JPA facet by default.

      Currently, however, there is some kind of problem where the JPA validator flags persistent classes as "does not belong to any persistence unit". So it needs to be told where the persistence unit is, somehow.

      Known problems:
      1. When create Jpa Project "Utility Model" facet enabled and locked. It is not present when create seam project.
      2. If select "Java Persistence" facet and call seam project as "jpaProj" jpa facet added to "jpaProj" but persistence.xml in jpaProj-ejb.

              aklimkovich Anton Klimkovich (Inactive)
              gavin.king Gavin King (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
