Feature Request
Resolution: Done
Web application development is currently moving in many projects from end to end server side technologies to HTML5 RIA developed with REST Webservices/ Webscoket on serverside + pure client side technologies GUI (Backbone.js for example).
Eclipse has been always been quite bad in the field of advanced Javascript development. JSDT was a good start, but its development has been stopped for a few years, and in its current status, it is not really a good tool for real HTML5/JS dev. From what I know, there is no roadmap for strong move on this field in the WTP team. The only real Eclipse initiative for client side development is Orion (http://www.eclipse.org/orion/) outside of the IDE.
The only other alternative is Aptana Studio 3, acquired last year by AppAccelerator.
My question is : is there any plan to consider client side development as a first class citizen in JBoss Studio, even if this question apply to the whole Eclipse Ecosystem ? Other IDE like Netbeans or IntelliJ Idea have a strong support for these technologies, and my guess is this lack may be a significant blocking point in the following years.
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
- is related to
JBIDE-14122 Add VJET to Central (for 4.1.0.Beta1)
- Closed
JBIDE-16290 Fixing SWT issues in Luna
- Closed