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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-11417

OpenShift Express: Embedded cartridge 10gen-mms-agent-0.1

      There are more problems with the embedded cartridge 10gen-mms-agent

      1) It needs MongoDB and OpenShift application wizard in JBoss Tools doesn't resolve the dependency by default.

      It means that the user is not warned in advance. The new application wizard will fail and user will be unable to make the initial git clone.

      2) Actually the user is unable to embed the cartridge, because in the first round the user has to commit and push the 10gen-mss configuration file.
      The main problem is: the JBoss Tools wizard only reports that there was an error during the configuration, no details are provided.

      Here is the error message from JBoss Tools:

      Could not embed cartridges to application php10genmms2012032701
      Could not configure application "php10genmms2012032701" at "https://ec2-50-16-87-180.compute-1.amazonaws.com/broker/embed_cartridge"

      And here is the error message from the command line:

      Missing settings.py file: /var/lib/stickshift/9bd1f27bba0e40f2b77fdc4b22081991/myphp2with10genmms/.openshift/mms/settings.py
      This file is part of the agent zip file: 10gen-mms-agent-<group-name>.zip
      The zip file is available to download from https://mms.10gen.com/ after you register with their service.
      It contains your 10gen MMS credentials and is required for running the agent.
      You will need to add this file and then do a git commit and push before you can embed the 10gen-mms-agent-0.1 cartridge.

              adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
              anagy_jira Attila Nagy (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
