JAX-RS being a critical piece of the "JBoss Way", we're gonna need it being available from both the Abridged Category for the JBT update site and being installed by default with JBDS (see related JIRA)
Eventually, all this Maven related plugins should be available from the Abridged Category :
- org.jboss.tools.maven.feature
- org.jboss.tools.maven.jaxrs.feature
- org.jboss.tools.maven.cdi.feature
- org.jboss.tools.maven.hibernate.feature
- org.jboss.tools.maven.jsf.feature
- org.jboss.tools.maven.seam.feature
- org.jboss.tools.maven.portlet.feature
- org.jboss.tools.maven.project.examples.feature
The JBoss Maven category will contain all the above and org.jboss.tools.maven.jbosspackaging.feature
- blocks
JBIDE-10349 build problems in M5
- Closed
- clones
JBDS-1947 Add org.jboss.tools.maven.jaxrs.feature to JBDS by default
- Closed