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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-10171

OpenShift Express Use Case Scenario


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      In M4 the JBoss Tools OpenShift wizard allowed you to import the OpenShift demo app (that is created when you create a new OpenShift application) to your workspace. M5 now offers you to push an Eclipse WTP ("Dynamic Web Project") project from your workspace to an OpenShift application. To do that you'd have to uncheck "Create new project" and select the project (in your workspace) that shall be pushed to OpenShift.
      In M4 the JBoss Tools OpenShift wizard allowed you to import the OpenShift demo app (that is created when you create a new OpenShift application) to your workspace. M5 now offers you to push an Eclipse WTP ("Dynamic Web Project") project from your workspace to an OpenShift application. To do that you'd have to uncheck "Create new project" and select the project (in your workspace) that shall be pushed to OpenShift.
    • Not Required

      Here is the workflow:
      1) User starts with one of the 4 key archetypes (ee6 war, ee6 ear, springmvc, html5) to create a default application
      2) deploys that app to a local JBoss instance to manually test
      3) user sets up a New Server attached to an application at OpenShift Express
      4) User now deploys the project created in step 1 above to the openshift express server

      And a related workflow:
      1) User imports a pre-existing Maven project
      2) Adjusts his dependencies for JBoss AS deployment
      3) deploys and tests on a localhost version of JBoss AS7
      4) Configures a OpenShift Server in the Servers tab
      5) Deploys to Openshift

        1. use-existing-project.png
          65 kB
        2. selectable-examples.png
          62 kB
        3. not-compatible.png
          60 kB
        4. merge-with-unknown.png
          62 kB
        5. import-exiting-project.patch
          60 kB
        6. import-existing-project2.patch
          86 kB
        7. create-new-project.png
          66 kB
        8. choose-existing-project.png
          49 kB

              manderse@redhat.com Max Andersen
              bsutter@redhat.com Burr Sutter (Inactive)
              Isaac Rooskov Isaac Rooskov (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
