It turns out that openshift command line forces a specific key name in their ssh usage and even hardcodes it into ~/.ssh/config for all communication with * this config git/jscsh listens too and thus no matter what the user does in eclipse he will get auth errors unless he actually used the exact same key.
And to make matters worse jcsh only reads this configuration on startup of eclipse so to align keys you have to restart eclipse after doing changes config.
The problem with all this is that if you are a new user using the tools you will bump into problems as soon as you need to use tail-files or add cartridges because we create the key with a different name that the command line tools expect.
To remedy this problem three changes are to be made:
1) on create domain we will check if <sshhome>/ exist - if it does we prefill the key name with that.
2) New will only create a key named <sshome>/libra_id_rsa(.pub) - if such file already exist it will say it won't create one
- is cloned by
JBIDE-10049 SSH key setup needs to be aligned with openshift as otherwise its very easy to end up with hard to handle auth key errors
- Closed