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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-10018

Example Archetypes don't resolve correctly if their remote repository is not declared in the settings.xml


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      • Check that no reference to the JBoss Nexus repos are present in your settings.xml
      • from JBoss central, create a new project from one of the JavaEE 6 Quickstarts
      • ASSERT some properties should be displayed in the Wizard page <- Fails
      Check that no reference to the JBoss Nexus repos are present in your settings.xml from JBoss central, create a new project from one of the JavaEE 6 Quickstarts ASSERT some properties should be displayed in the Wizard page <- Fails

      While testing the EAP6 repository, it occured to me that Archetype properties were not resolved correctly for our AS7 archetype based examples. Since the required properties cannot be resolved, they're not displayed to the user. Eventually, the project creation fails due to these missing properties.

      This is similar to an upstream issue (https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=359855), where the maven/aether session is not correctly provided to the resolver.

      Actually, there already is a hack in m2e that deals with that remote archetype resolution issue. This need to be reproduced in JBT.

              fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
              fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
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