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  1. JBoss Enterprise Spec APIs
  2. JBEE-15

Break all EEl apis into separately versioned subprojects


    We should break up all modules in the Java EE project to be separately versioned components, in line with the specification they represent. In addition we should version them according to the specification version of the api, and not a version we come up with. This makes it easy for our other projects to know they are consuming the proper version. Hibernate, for example, would like to have a dependency on jta 1.1. It's not immediately clear what we have that implements 1.1.

    The SVN layout should look like:


    The maven coordinates should remain the same, as this allows for a project to quickly and easily see what javax apis are available:

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            smcgowan@redhat.com Shelly McGowan (Inactive)
            jgreene@redhat.com Jason Greene
            0 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
