Do a general review of the "3.3. JAX-WS Web Service Clients" section.
The tracking spreadsheet requested the following update:
- In 3.3.2. Develop a JAX-WS Client Application, under "Static Use Case" is missing useful information from upstream.
- See the the upstream doc under the heading Static case. "Section Dynamic Proxy explains how to obtain a port from the service and how to invoke an operation on the port. If you need to work with the XML payload directly or with the XML representation of the entire SOAP message, have a look at Dispatch ."
- Be sure to review this text and adjust what it says to make sure it fits in with our docs.
Also after a quick look:
- Update the section headings to use proper [discrete] == headings. They currently use "Static Use Case::" syntax, which is not correct. You can also notice that the "Static Use Case" heading has no visible difference than its parent, "Usage", which is not good.
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JBEAP-6265 Web Services: Updates to JAX-WS Web Service Clients section
- Closed