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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-9877

[Release notes] Section 'Technology preview' - Server-Sent Events in Java (SSE)


      In release notes in 'Technical preview' section, bullet 'Server-Sent Events in Java (SSE)' states:

      An implementation of the Server-Sent Event Model in Java is provided for customers working with mobile and rich clients. This includes the server and client implementation. This is a technical preview only.

      Although there is no client implementation IMHO. Also per this comment. I would rather simply use exactly same text that was used in EAP7.0.0 Release notes:

      An implementation of the Server-Sent Event Model in Java is provided for customers working with mobile and rich clients. This includes only the server implementation. This is a technical preview only.

            dmichael@redhat.com David Michael (Inactive)
            jstourac@redhat.com Jan Stourac
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