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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-9547

Elytron ldap-realm should load existing identities from LDAP


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      1. create Elytron ldap-realm based on LDAP with an existing identity
      2. try to read the existing identity, e.g. /subsystem=elytron/ldap-realm=ldapRealm/identity=ldapUser:read-identity

      (identities should be listed in result)

      create Elytron ldap-realm based on LDAP with an existing identity try to read the existing identity, e.g. /subsystem=elytron/ldap-realm=ldapRealm/identity=ldapUser:read-identity /subsystem=elytron/dir-context=dc:add(url= "ldap: //localhost:10389" ,authentication-level=none) /subsystem=elytron/ldap-realm=lr:add(dir-context=dc,direct-verification= true ,identity-mapping={filter-name= "(uid={0})" ,iterator-filter= "(uid=*)" , new -identity-attributes=[], new -identity-parent-dn= "dc=example,dc=com" ,use-recursive-search= true ,search-base-dn= "dc=example,dc=com" ,rdn-identifier=uid}) /subsystem=elytron/ldap-realm=lr:read-resource (identities should be listed in result)

      Elytron ldap-realm should load existing identities from LDAP. The steps to reproduce results in:

      {"outcome" => "failed","failure-description" => "WFLYCTL0216: Management resource '[
          (\"subsystem\" => \"elytron\"),
          (\"ldap-realm\" => \"ldapRealm\"),
          (\"identity\" => \"ldapUser\")
      ]' not found","rolled-back" => true}

      Authn/authz against the realm works as expected.

      This issue seems to be related to the similar issue in filesystem-realm, see JBEAP-9462.

      The impacted feature is tech preview, hence the Major Priority is set.

            jkalina@redhat.com Jan Kalina (Inactive)
            okotek@redhat.com Ondrej Kotek
            Ondrej Kotek Ondrej Kotek
            Ondrej Kotek Ondrej Kotek
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