Resolution: Done
Log level of "lack charset" warning message should be decreased from WARN to INFO.
Warning message is printed also if this annotation is used:
But this is correct example from jax-rs 2.1 specification.
Example of this message:
12:53:53,243 WARN [org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy_jaxrs.i18n] (default task-1) RESTEASY002141: MediaType application/xml on getTasksByTitle() lacks charset. Consider setting charset or turning on context parameter resteasy.add.charset
- is caused by
RESTEASY-1565 Response is broken for String entities if charset is not explicitly specified
- Resolved
RESTEASY-1628 Response is broken for String entities if charset is not explicitly specified, Part 2
- Resolved
- is cloned by
RESTEASY-1622 Decrease log level of "lack charset" warning message
- Resolved
- is incorporated by
JBEAP-9973 Upgrade RESTEasy to 3.0.22.Final
- Closed
- is related to
JBERET-325 RESTEASY002141: MediaType application/xml lacks charset. Consider setting charset or turning on context parameter resteasy.add.charset
- Resolved
JBEAP-9322 Response is broken for String entities if charset is not explicitly specified
- Closed