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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-9271

Messaging (ActiveMQ Artemis) - Unsupported and Deprecated Functionality


      Following must be mentioned in unsupported features for Messaging (ActiveMQ Artemis) in Release Notes for EAP 7.1.0 Aplha:

              AMQP, Stomp, REST, MQTT, and OpenWire protocol
              Netty over HTTP and Netty Servlet transport options for connectors/acceptors
              OIO (Old Java IO) connectors/acceptors type is no longer possible to configure
              Vert.x, AeroGear, Spring and Jolokia integration
              Dynamic queue creation
              Chain cluster
              Clustered Message Grouping
              Using ActiveMQ Artemis Management using JMX        
              Graceful Shutdown/Scaling Down of node in Artemis cluster
              Colocated HA topology configured using replication-colocated/shared-store-colocated 

      Replace current content by text above.

            dmichael@redhat.com David Michael (Inactive)
            mnovak1@redhat.com Miroslav Novak
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
