Resolution: Done
Attribute sasl-authentication-factory is described as follows
"sasl-authentication-factory" => { "type" => STRING, "description" => "The server side SASL authentication policy to use to secure the interface where the connection is after a HTTP upgrade.", "expressions-allowed" => false, "required" => false, "nillable" => true, "capability-reference" => "org.wildfly.security.sasl-authentication-factory", "min-length" => 1L, "max-length" => 2147483647L }
Documenation [1] says:
no-services – Applying the operation to the runtime does not require the restart of any services. This value is the default if the restart-required descriptor is not present.
But when I try to change it I get:
[standalone@localhost:9990 /] /core-service=management/management-interface=http-interface:write-attribute(name=http-upgrade.sasl-authentication-factory, value=application-sasl-authentication) { "outcome" => "success", "response-headers" => { "operation-requires-reload" => true, "process-state" => "reload-required" } }
Probably some proper value for "restart-required" should be used. "restart-required" => "all-services" ?
[1] https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/WFLY/Description+of+the+Management+Model
- clones
WFCORE-2345 Changing sasl-authentication-factory in management interface ends in reload-required state
- Resolved
- is incorporated by
JBEAP-9571 (7.1.0) Upgrade to WildFly Core to 3.0.0.Beta13
- Closed
- relates to
JBEAP-9137 Changing management interface with allow-resource-service-restart ends in reload-required state
- Closed