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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-9135

[GSS](7.0.z) JBoss-CLI "deploy -l" always returns exit code 1 even when it succeeds


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      1. Start JBoss with deploying some applications
      2. Execute the following JBoss-CLI command

      $ ./bin/jboss-cli.sh -c --command="deploy -l"

      3. Check the exit code

      $ echo $?

      Exit code 0 should be returned but you will see that exit code 1 is returned.

      1. Start JBoss with deploying some applications 2. Execute the following JBoss-CLI command $ ./bin/jboss-cli.sh -c --command= "deploy -l" 3. Check the exit code $ echo $? Exit code 0 should be returned but you will see that exit code 1 is returned.
    • EAP 7.0.6

      JBoss-CLI "deploy -l" always returns exit code 1 even when it succeededs.

      It looks that DeploymentHandler.listDeployments() always throws CommandFormatException and this causes the "deploy -l" command returns exit code 1.

       55     protected void listDeployments(CommandContext ctx, boolean l) throws CommandFormatException {
       56         if(!l) {
       57             printList(ctx, Util.getDeployments(ctx.getModelControllerClient()), l);
       58             return;
       59         }
       60         final ModelControllerClient client = ctx.getModelControllerClient();
       61         final List<String> names = Util.getDeployments(client);
       62         if(names.isEmpty()) {
       63             return;
       64         }
       66         final StrictSizeTable table = new StrictSizeTable(names.size());
       67         final List<Property> descriptions = getDeploymentDescriptions(ctx, names).asPropertyList();
       68         for(Property prop : descriptions) {
       69             final ModelNode step = prop.getValue();
       70             if(step.hasDefined(Util.RESULT)) {
       71                 final ModelNode result = step.get(Util.RESULT);
       72                 table.addCell(Util.NAME, result.get(Util.NAME).asString());
       73                 table.addCell(Util.RUNTIME_NAME, result.get(Util.RUNTIME_NAME).asString());
       74                 if(result.has(Util.ENABLED)) {
       75                     table.addCell(Util.ENABLED, result.get(Util.ENABLED).asString());
       76                 }
       77                 if(result.has(Util.STATUS)) {
       78                     table.addCell(Util.STATUS, result.get(Util.STATUS).asString());
       79                 }
       80             }
       81             if(!table.isAtLastRow()) {
       82                 table.nextRow();
       83             }
       84         }
       85         throw new CommandFormatException(table.toString());   // -> CommandFormatException is always thrown. This looks a root cause.
       86     }
       796     public void handleSafe(String line) {
       797         exitCode = 0;
       798         try {
       799             handle(line);
       800         } catch(Throwable t) {
       801             error(Util.getMessagesFromThrowable(t));
       802         }
       803     }
       879     protected void error(String message) {
       880         this.exitCode = 1;
       881         printLine(message);
       882     }

              psotirop@redhat.com Panagiotis Sotiropoulos
              rhn-support-mmiura Masafumi Miura
              Peter Mackay Peter Mackay
              Peter Mackay Peter Mackay
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
