Resolution: Done
Coverity found suspicious logical operation https://scan7.coverity.com/reports.htm#v23632/p11778/fileInstanceId=9563899&defectInstanceId=2359232&mergedDefectId=1377462
See detailed description of possible problem in [1]
If I extend DigestUtilTest#testDecodeByteOrderedInteger with case from [1], test fails
byte[] inputFF = CodePointIterator.ofString("000000FF").hexDecode().drain(); assertEquals(0xFF, decodeByteOrderedInteger(inputFF, 0, 4));
If I change decodeByteOrderedInteger implementation according to [1], all tests pass again.
result |= (buf[offset + i] & 0xff);
[1] http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/bugDescriptions.html#BIT_IOR_OF_SIGNED_BYTE
Setting to high priority, because correct behavior of SASL Digest mechanism could be impacted.
- is cloned by
ELY-946 Coverity static analysis, suspicious bitwise logical expression, DigestUtil (Elytron)
- Resolved