Error Log :
Cause :
Caused by: org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException: CONF0005: Unexpected element "rules" in namespace "urn:elytron:1.0" encountered
at jar:file:~/.m2/repository/org/jboss/remotingjmx/remoting-jmx/3.0.0.Beta1/remoting-jmx-3.0.0.Beta1.jar!/META-INF/wildfly-config.xml:23:9
In order to run EAT locally for EAP7 Server :
1. Make sure that JBOSS_FOLDER environment variable is set with the path to your EAP7 Server directory.
2. Make sure that JBOSS_VERSION environment variable is set with the version of EAP7 Server.
3. Make sure that JBOSS_LOCAL_REPO_DIR environment variable is set with the path to your local maven repo.
4. Build and run the additional testsuite activating the EAP7 profile (-Deap7) and using the standalone mode (-Dstandalone) : mvn clean install -Deap7 -Dstandalone (-Dmaven.repo.local=${local.maven.repo})
To see the above cause-error message, first, start eap7.
- is incorporated by
WFCORE-2110 Upgrade to Remoting JMX 3.0.0.Beta2
- Resolved
JBEAP-7572 (7.1.0) Upgrade to WildFly Core 3.0.0.Alpha17
- Closed