Resolution: Done
- During the quiesce period – the server component will not accept new requests.
- Components of the server will support controlled shutdown or quiescence – ie. In-flight transactions and requests will be serviced before the shutdown.
This also implies eing able to control all request paths – HTTP (via mod_cluster), JMS and RMI (via smart proxies). - The Quiesce operation will accept a timeout which will indicate the maximum period that a shutdown will wait for in-flight requests / transactions to complete. After the timeout expires the server component will shutdown immediately.
- It applies to servers that are started with all supported server profiles (i.e. default, default-ha, full and full-ha) in both standalone and domain modes.
- In a clustered environment if a node in cluster is on graceful shutdown, the other node(s) in the cluster should not log warnings, but infos (or debug or nothing) because this is a normal situation (Ref: PRODMGT-815)
- is blocked by
JBEAP-1571 Web console don't show correct server suspend-state
- Closed