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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-7053

[GSS](7.1.0) SPFormAuthenticationMechanism SAML principal is available only in web module, but not in ejb


      When I use SPServletExtension, the principal is only available in the web module and when I inject and call ejb method from ejb module, ejbContext.getCallerPrincipal() returns anonymous. I have an ear which consists of ejb and web module. To reproduce the problem you should have ear package with ejb module, try to inject the ejb in web module and call ejbContext.getCallerPrincipal(). It will return anonymous.

            dtikhomi@redhat.com Dmitrii Tikhomirov
            rhn-support-dehort Derek Horton
            Ondrej Kotek Ondrej Kotek
            Ondrej Kotek Ondrej Kotek
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