Resolution: Done
Say there is an asynchronous EJB method:
@Asynchronous public Future<Boolean> method() { ... }
Calling Future#get with a zero timeout:
if (bean.method().get(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
results in a block until the task is finished.
Instead I expected zero waiting, because java.util.concurrent.Future.get(long, TimeUnit) doesn't specify any special treatment for a zero timeout value.
- clones
JBEAP-6826 EJB's async methods' Future#get should treat zero timeout as "don't wait"
- Closed
- is caused by
EJBCLIENT-158 Timeout handling on Future.get() is buggy
- Resolved
- is incorporated by
JBEAP-6824 [GSS](7.0.z) Upgrade ejb-client from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7
- Closed