Elytron dir-context is not able to follow/throw referrals in LDAP search. Value set in Elytron dir-context.referral-mode is ignored by Elytron.
InitialLdapContext java.naming.referral parameter is internally always set to value ignore. It is caused by ignoring ReferralMode parameter in obtainDirContext of org.wildfly.security.auth.realm.ldap.SimpleDirContextFactoryBuilder$SimpleDirContextFactory [1].
We request blocker flag since this issue causes that referrals cannot be used for LDAP search with Elytron.
- blocks
JBEAP-6450 LDAP referrals does not work in Elytron ldap-realm
- Closed
- is cloned by
ELY-663 LDAP referrals does not work - dir-context.referral-mode is always ignored
- Resolved