Do a review of the "3.2. JAX-WS Web Service Endpoints" section. A quick look through noticed the following:
- Change so that raw URLs aren't shown.
- "The specification for packaging the endpoint, called a Java Service Endpoint (JSE) is defined in JSR-181, which can be found at " -> Make the "JSR-181" part the link and lose the rest of the sentence.
- Fix unnecessarily capitalized items
- Java EE Web Application -> Java EE web application
- Web Archive (WAR) -> web archive (WAR)
- Both 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 list exactly the same text and two bullets under "Development Requirements". These requirements should only be listed one place or the other.
- Fix the headings in these sections to use [discrete] == headings instead of .Title headings. This is causing an issue that you can see in ".Package Your Deployment", where the two paragraphs have no space between them.
- is cloned by
JBEAP-8006 [7.1] Web Services: Updates to JAX-WS Web Service Endpoints section
- Closed