Component Upgrade
Resolution: Done
- blocks
JBEAP-4407 (7.0.z) ARTEMIS-747 - Consumer crashes with IndexOutOfBoundsException when reading non-text message from imported journal
- Verified
JBEAP-4852 (7.0.z) ARTEMIS-551 - ActiveMQ logs truststore password in plain text
- Verified
JBEAP-5994 (7.0.z) [Artemis Testsuite] ARTEMIS-606 - JMSServerControl2Test#testCloseConsumerConnectionsForAddressForInVM fails
- Closed
JBEAP-7412 [GSS](7.0.z) ARTEMIS-859 - Artemis backlog property not in allowed properties
- Closed
JBEAP-7740 (7.0.z) ARTEMIS-748 - Page Address Size gets negative on Artemis
- Closed
- incorporates
JBEAP-4407 (7.0.z) ARTEMIS-747 - Consumer crashes with IndexOutOfBoundsException when reading non-text message from imported journal
- Verified
JBEAP-4772 (7.0.z) ARTEMIS-697 - AMQ224033: Failed to broadcast connector configs: java.lang.IllegalStateException: channel is closed
- Verified
JBEAP-4852 (7.0.z) ARTEMIS-551 - ActiveMQ logs truststore password in plain text
- Verified
JBEAP-5824 (7.0.z) ARTEMIS-653 - Possible Null Pointer Exception during message properties read using XmlDataImporter
- Verified
JBEAP-5825 (7.0.z) ARTEMIS-652 - Incorrect null check in ActiveMQActivationSpec#toString for attribute connectionFactoryLookup
- Verified
JBEAP-5829 (7.0.z) ARTEMIS-709 - Possible NPE on UUIDGenerator.getAllNetworkInterfaces()
- Verified
JBEAP-5826 (7.0.z) ARTEMIS-651 - Typo in word "topology" in log message in class ServerLocatorImpl
- Verified
JBEAP-5940 (7.0.z) ARTEMIS-914 - Max saved replicated journal size on Live node should not be -1
- Closed
JBEAP-5969 (7.0.z) [Artemis Testsuite] ARTEMIS-414 - TemporaryQueueClusterTest#testClusteredQueue fails
- Closed
JBEAP-5970 (7.0.z) [Artemis Testsuite] ARTEMIS-415 - NettyPagingSendTest#testPagingDoesNotDuplicateBatchMessages
- Closed
JBEAP-5972 (7.0.z) [Artemis Testsuite] ARTEMIS-341 / ARTEMIS-342 / ARTEMIS-343 / ARTEMIS-377 / ARTEMIS-379 / ARTEMIS-381 - NettySecurityClientTest.testProducerConsumerClientWithSecurityManager
- Closed
JBEAP-5974 (7.0.z) [Artemis Testsuite] ARTEMIS-428 - ReconnectTest#testInterruptReconnectInVMInterruptMainThread fails
- Closed
JBEAP-5975 (7.0.z) [Artemis Testsuite] ARTEMIS-429 - TopicControlUsingJMSTest#testGetXXXMessagesCount fails
- Closed
JBEAP-5976 (7.0.z) [Artemis Testsuite] ARTEMIS-430 - ClosingConnectionTest#testKill​Connection fails
- Closed
JBEAP-5977 (7.0.z) [Artemis Testsuite] ARTEMIS-442 - ConcurrentDeliveryCancelTest#testConcurrentCancels calls System.exit
- Closed
JBEAP-5978 (7.0.z) [Artemis Testsuite] ARTEMIS-475 - SessionCloseTest#testCanNotUseXAWithClosedSession fails
- Closed
JBEAP-5980 (7.0.z) [Artemis Testsuite] ARTEMIS-527 - TopicControlTest fails
- Closed
JBEAP-5982 (7.0.z) [Artemis Testsuite] ARTEMIS-632 - JMSServerControlUsingJMSTest#testRemoteClientIDConnection fails
- Closed
JBEAP-5983 (7.0.z) [Artemis Testsuite] ARTEMIS-634 - JMSQueueControlUsingJMSTest#testDeleteWithPaging fails
- Closed
JBEAP-5984 (7.0.z) [Artemis Testsuite] ARTEMIS-643 - wrong paths in restricted-security-client.policy
- Closed
JBEAP-5991 (7.0.z) [Artemis Testsuite] ARTEMIS-645 - ClusteredGroupingTest#testGroupingSendTo3queuesNoConsumerOnLocalQueue fails
- Closed
JBEAP-5992 (7.0.z) [Artemis Testsuite] ARTEMIS-621 - Several tests do not use getUDPDiscoveryAddress and getUDPDiscoveryPort for configuration of group address/port
- Closed
JBEAP-5994 (7.0.z) [Artemis Testsuite] ARTEMIS-606 - JMSServerControl2Test#testCloseConsumerConnectionsForAddressForInVM fails
- Closed
JBEAP-6170 (7.0.z) ARTEMIS-715 - MessageProducer can send a message to a wrong queue after SecurityException
- Closed
JBEAP-7412 [GSS](7.0.z) ARTEMIS-859 - Artemis backlog property not in allowed properties
- Closed
JBEAP-7740 (7.0.z) ARTEMIS-748 - Page Address Size gets negative on Artemis
- Closed
JBEAP-8358 (7.0.z) Remove e.printStackTrace() from ActiveMQActivationSpec.validate
- Closed
- is cloned by
JBEAP-5830 (7.1.0) Upgrade Artemis from 1.1.0.SP18 to 1.4.0
- Verified
JBEAP-9341 (7.0.z) Upgrade Artemis from 1.1.0.SP19 to 1.1.0.SP20
- Closed
- relates to
JBEAP-4679 (7.0.z) Upgrade Artemis from 1.1.0.SP17 to 1.1.0.SP18
- Verified