Component Upgrade
Resolution: Done
- blocks
JBEAP-5374 Missing productization changes on scripts
- Verified
JBEAP-5275 Restore JBEAP-2830 fix
- Verified
- incorporates
JBEAP-3060 (7.1.0) Allow disabling audit log rotation
- Verified
JBEAP-5304 (7.1.0) server instances cannot find keytab during domain startup
- Verified
JBEAP-5382 (7.1.0) Embedded server started non-modular use only first --jboss-home for FS paths
- Verified
JBEAP-397 IPv6ScopeIdMatchUnitTestCase fails if some IPv6 subinterface exists
- Verified
JBEAP-2335 PersistanceResourceTestCase fails on some windows machines
- Verified
JBEAP-2841 SlaveReconnectTestCase fails intermittently on slow systems
- Verified
JBEAP-2894 System allows enabling two applications with same runtime-name
- Verified
JBEAP-4245 list-add operation doesn't work on login-modules attribute
- Verified
JBEAP-4536 Whitespaces in the middle of the value are siletly ignored
- Verified
JBEAP-4724 metrics attributes of undertow listener are not updated in general undertow configuration at profile level
- Verified
JBEAP-4939 CLI doesn't autocomplete for unalias command
- Verified
JBEAP-4948 (7.1.0) CLI tab comple should reflect curent position of prompt
- Verified
JBEAP-4949 Tab completion is doesn't work for cli variables and properties
- Verified
JBEAP-4954 CLI could stuck if SIGINT is send during authentication dialogue
- Verified
JBEAP-4976 jboss-cli help message lacks --properties argument
- Verified
JBEAP-5043 Echo commands without arguments doesn't print existing variables - update help message
- Verified
JBEAP-5044 Subsystem - connector resource description and schema file claim that more socket bindings can be used
- Verified
JBEAP-5155 (7.1.0) BoundedQueueThreadPoolResourceDefinition does not able to add additional check on the threads executor
- Verified
JBEAP-5185 Default app-name value of Syslog handler in Audit Logging violates specification
- Verified
JBEAP-5338 (7.1.0) Suggestion list for argument value is not generated if the value contains a whitespace
- Verified
JBEAP-5427 [GSS](7.1.0) security-realms that defer to jaas cannot load login-modules from org.jboss.as.security
- Verified
JBEAP-2428 Remove OSGi bundle related patching tests
- Verified
JBEAP-3771 Saved rollout-plan 'name' or 'id' attribute discrepancy
- Verified
JBEAP-4861 Better check of names of existing resources when adding '{local|remote-destination-outbound-socket-binding'
- Verified
JBEAP-4951 Update the default variable value in .jbossclirc file
- Verified
JBEAP-5134 Write attribute on a new deployment scanner fails in batch
- Verified
JBEAP-5332 (7.1.0) Failed CLI batch command with "deploy --force" for replace deployment
- Closed
JBEAP-459 Autocomplete not working for ha-policy names
- Verified
JBEAP-5205 (7.1.0) Enhancements for set/unset test suite
- Verified
JBEAP-5284 (7.1.0) Upgrade Undertow from 1.3.23.Final to 1.4.0.CR4
- Verified
JBEAP-5144 Create module using 'module add' CLI command with absolute-path in resource-root element
- Verified
JBEAP-5313 (7.1.0) Include indexed properties in the suggestion list if no completer exists
- Closed
- is cloned by
JBEAP-4647 (7.0.z) Upgrade WildFly Core from 2.1.6 to 2.1.8
- Verified
JBEAP-5456 (7.1.0) Upgrade to WildFly Core 3.0.0.Alpha5
- Verified
- is duplicated by
JBEAP-5253 Upgrade WildFly Core from 2.2.x to 3.x
- Closed