Chapter Migrate Messaging Data Using a JMS Bridge contains note about possible need to remove line <resource-root path="../../../../../org/hornetq/main/lib"/> from Hornetq module.xml.
One step before, guide says that EAP6 org.hornetq module should be copied into the JBoss EAP 7 EAP_HOME/modules/org/ directory. File module.xml containing line <resource-root path="../../../../../org/hornetq/main/lib"/> is contained in this directory. However, note says the line should be deleted from module.xml file EAP_HOME/modules/system/layers/base/org/hornetq/main/module.xml. It should point to EAP_HOME/modules/org/hornetq/main/module.xml.
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JBEAP-4420 [Documentation] - Migration Guide - Migrate messaging data using JMS Bridges
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