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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-4643

[PROD] (7.0.z) Review and update license configuration file


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 7.0.7.GA
    • None
    • Build System
    • None
    • EAP 7.0.7

      The configuration file (licenses.xml) for the license-maven-plugin which downloads licenses for the artifacts of EAP 7 is out of date. There are many new artifacts compared to EAP 6 and many of the groupId and artifactIds have changed. For any component that is not explicitly defined in the config file, the license-maven-plugin will attempt to download the license file based on the license configuration in the pom.xml. This leads to inconsistent license file names and unreliable download URLs.

      We had a couple recent problems with license files not being downloaded during the build because of an out of date download URL, and several duplications of the same license.

      This issue is related to JBEAP-4254 in which some license files were found to be missing content. The fix for that issue fixed some of the problems, but the configuration is still not completely reliable.

      We need to update the config file so that the license for each maven artifact is explicitly defined. Then we should commit the correct set of license files to the git source repo and ensure that for EAP 7 we can build a zip distribution which includes the license files without relying on remote URLs. For example, every artifact that is licensed under Apache 2.0 should point to the same URL for downloading this file and should generate the same local filename.

            psakar@redhat.com Petr Sakar (Inactive)
            pgier@redhat.com Paul Gier (Inactive)
            Peter Mackay Peter Mackay
            Peter Mackay Peter Mackay
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
