Documentation states that:
The available operations for a resource can be exposed by using the read-operation-names operation or by using tab completion. Operation descriptions can be displayed by using the read-operation-description operation.
However user need to use a colon syntax to invoke a CLI operation:
Tab completion
list commands
[standalone@embedded /] : clear data-source echo if patch read-operation stop-embedded-server unset ...
list operations
[standalone@embedded /] : add-namespace list-get product-info read-children-types remove-namespace take-snapshot whoami ...
read-operation-names operation doesn't work without a colon
[standalone@embedded /] read-operation-names Unexpected command 'read-operation-names'. Type 'help --commands' for the list of supported commands. [standalone@embedded /] :read-operation-names { "outcome" => "success", "result" => [ "add-namespace", "add-schema-location",
This could be quite confusing since table shows only operation names without a colon character. There is a difference between using e.g. :reload operation (non blocking) and reload command (blocking).
- blocks
JBEAP-4962 EAP7 Management CLI Guide issues tracker
- Closed