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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-4472

Outdated chapter 2.2.2. Configure the Management Console for HTTPS in How To Configure Security guide


      Book: How To Configure Security
      Revision: 0.8221103

      I tried to follow the steps in chapter but there are some missing things from user point of view:

      1. There should be explicitly written not to do reload when it is not present in steps, although CLI shows reload-required header or steps should be reordered to work with reload anywhere where it is required
      2. Step 8 should be definitely before step 6, because after reload, the CLI won't connect anymore due to the socket binding configuration change (the port will be different)
      3. What step 7 is about?
      4. See linked JIRAs

              zrhoads Zach Rhoads (Inactive)
              jkasik@redhat.com Jan Kašík
              Jan Kašík Jan Kašík
              Jan Kašík Jan Kašík
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