Basically I have a very simple application that has request validation in the REST endpoints.
According to the documentation of RESTEasy, I should get a JSON error response if I put "application/json" in Accept header in the request.
The mentioned feature worked just fine in Wildfly 9.0.2.Final. Now, however, it doesn't.
I have tried to upgrade the dependencies in the pom.xml to use dependencies from Wildfly 10.0.0.Final, but still no luck. Though the attached application deploys just fine in Wildfly 9.0.2.Final and Wildfly 10.0.0.Final.
In WF 9.0.2.Final I used to get the below error JSON
{ "exception": null, "fieldViolations": [], "propertyViolations": [], "classViolations": [], "parameterViolations": [{ "constraintType": "PARAMETER", "path": "", "message": "may not be null", "value": "" }], "returnValueViolations": [] }
In WF 10.0.0.Final I get this:
[may not be null]
See discussion on
JAX-RS spec does not require any special handling here, see also 7.6 Validation and Error Reporting: "...the exact content and format of this entity is beyond the scope of this specification...".
- is blocked by
JBEAP-3248 Upgrade Resteasy to release 3.0.16.Final
- Closed
- relates to
RESTEASY-1264 RESTEasy + WELD + HibernateValidator - ConstraintViolations always reported as MIME "text/plain".
- Closed
WFLY-6097 Error response handling from bean validation ignores Accept header
- Closed