Feature Request
Resolution: Done
Customer should be warned that EAP natives and Apache HTTP Server are delivered diferently. This should be part of relase notes (JBEAP-3052) but there should be mention about it in migration guide as well.
Situation in EAP6:
- Apache HTTP server: Delivered in separate packages called "Apache HTTP Server" wich were part of EAP6 delivery
- Connectors (mod_cluster, mod_jk, isapi, nsapi): Delivered in separate packages called "Webserver Connector" wich were part of EAP6 delivery
- JSVC: Delivered in separate packages called "Native Utilities" wich were part of EAP6 delivery
- OpenSSL: Delivered in separate packages called "Native Utilities" wich were part of EAP6 delivery
- Tcnatives: Delivered in separate packages called "Native componnets" wich were part of EAP6 delivery
Situation in EAP7:
- Apache HTTP server: Delivered as part of product JBoss Core Services
- Connectors (mod_cluster, mod_jk, isapi, nsapi): mod_cluster,mod_jk are part of Apache HTTP Server delivered in separate product JBoss Core Services, isapi and nsapi are delivered with JBoss Core Serices as well.
- Support of connectors mod_cluster and mod_jk in scenarios with Apache HTTP Sever from RHEL rpm channels was dropped. (It could be replaced with Undertow or with Apache HTTP server from JBoss Core Services, link to configuration scenarios would be convenient)
- Support of connectors mod_cluster and mod_jk in scenarios with Apache HTTP Sever from HP-UX Web Server Suite was dropped. (It could be replaced with Undertow as balancer or with Apache HTTP server can be configured as balancer on any platform where is JBCS supported, link to configuration scenarios would be convenient)
- JSVC: Delivered as part of product JBoss Core Serices
- OpenSSL: It was dropped in EAP7
- Tcnatives: It was dropped in EAP7
Product JBoss Core Services is in development and its release date should be aligned with EAP.
- is related to
JBEAP-3050 [Release Notes] Connectors mod_cluster and mod_jk are not supported with Apache HTTP server from RHEL channels
- Closed
JBEAP-3051 [Release Notes] Connectors mod_cluster and mod_jk are not supported with Apache HTTP server from HP-UX Web Server Suite
- Closed
JBEAP-3052 [Release Notes] How and What natives are delivered in EAP 7.0
- Closed
JBEAP-3426 Add link to JBoss Core Services product page
- Closed