management-cli-guide contains a topic describing how to connect to the EAP running with a non-standard set of ports (2.2. Connect to the Server). Port 9999 (EAP6 default) is used in this example. However if the port 9999 is used, CLI will by default fallback to remoting protocol (EAP6 default) and won't be able to connect to the EAP7 although the correct port number is used.
We can either add the EAP7 protocol to the command:
connect http-remoting://
Or simply change to port to some other value.
One way or another, I would be good to add some note about the use-legacy-override as well.
Additional details:
jboss-cli.xml for EAP7 contains a new configuration element
<default-protocol use-legacy-override="true">http-remoting</default-protocol>
from jboss-as-cli_2_0.xsd
<xs:attribute name="use-legacy-override" type="xs:boolean" default="true"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> The default protocol is used where a connection address is specified and no protocol is specified, in previous versions the port 9999 would have been used with the remoting protocol - this attribute set to true causes the protocol to default to remoting if the port number is 9999. If this attribute is set to false then the specified default is used regardless of the port number for addresses with no protocol. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:attribute>
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JBEAP-4962 EAP7 Management CLI Guide issues tracker
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WFLY-1664 bin]$ ./ -c --controller=localhost:9999 - Results in Connection Timed Out
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