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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-28294

(8.0.z) UNDERTOW-2343 - Zero-Byte Response and Empty Response Code on Page Refresh with Wildfly 30 and Firefox


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      Deploy the JSF web application (WAR file) on Wildfly 30 with Undertow 2.3.10.Final and HTTP2 enabled. Open the application in Firefox. Notice the java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException warnings in the server logs upon the initial page load  (refer to the https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/mojarra/issues/5391).
      Refresh the page multiple times using F5 (or press buttons "switch to the first/second page")
      Observe that after several refreshes (usually by the fifth or sixth time), the server returns a response with 0 bytes and no response code.

      Deploy the JSF web application (WAR file) on Wildfly 30 with Undertow 2.3.10.Final and HTTP2 enabled. Open the application in Firefox. Notice the java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException warnings in the server logs upon the initial page load  (refer to the https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/mojarra/issues/5391 ). Refresh the page multiple times using F5 (or press buttons "switch to the first/second page") Observe that after several refreshes (usually by the fifth or sixth time), the server returns a response with 0 bytes and no response code.


      • WildFly30 (using Undertow 2.3.10.Final)
      • HTTP2 enabled
      • Firefox browser (issue not observed in other browsers)
      • JSF application with multiple resources (see attached WAR file or the github link)


      In a JSF web application packaged as a WAR file and deployed on Wildfly 30 (Undertow 2.3.10.Final) with HTTP2 enabled, an issue occurs specifically in the Firefox browser (other browsers are ok). The application's page includes several resources (e.g., <script src="...." />). Initially, when the page loads, numerous WARNING messages are logged, showing java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException (related to a separate bug probably: https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/mojarra/issues/5391).
      However, after refreshing the page multiple times (using F5), typically around the fifth or sixth refresh, the server responds with 0 bytes and an empty response code.


      See attached

      • the stacktrace
      • the reproducer gif
      • the reproducer WAR application file

      Reproducer project: https://github.com/rabiter/reproducer.git


        1. IssueReproducer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war
          5.16 MB
        2. localhost_Archive [24-05-21 14-43-40].har
          4 kB
        3. reproducer.gif
          569 kB
        4. stacktrace.log
          1 kB
        5. tasks-jsf.zip
          26 kB

              rhn-cservice-bbaranow Bartosz Baranowski
              rhn-engineering-lgao Lin Gao
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
