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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-28075

(xp-5.0.z) Intermittent failures in MP OpenAPI TCK


      The ModelConstructionTest, OASFactoryErrorTest test classes do not behave as independent tests with the Wildfly / EAP implementation of OpenAPI. They require initialization performed by other tests in the module in order to pass.

      The result is these tests fail if the tests happen to run in a wrong order, also fail when the tests are run alone.

      The specific problem that breaks the tests is that the OASFactoryResolver.instance() call returns null rather than an instance in case when the deployed application doesn't indicate that it needs OpenAPI functionality (no OpenAPI config, annotations, etc).

      The OpenAPI team agreed to modify the test classes to use more typical scenario when the deployed application contains OpenAPI config so the app server has an indication that OpenAPI should be initialized.

      More details about the issue can be seen at https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-open-api/issues/655.

              thofman Tomas Hofman
              thofman Tomas Hofman
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              3 Start watching this issue
