Component Upgrade
Resolution: Done-Errata
- incorporates
JBEAP-27081 (8.0.z) WFCORE-6834 - wildfly-elytron-integration jar duplicated in server modules
- Verified
JBEAP-27254 [GSS](8.0.z) In Domain mode applications are distributed twice to the domain's servers
- Verified
JBEAP-27361 [GSS](8.0.z) Apply server candidate phase logs are not saved in log files when using Management CLI
- Verified
JBEAP-27370 [GSS](8.0.z) Do not allow server apply phase if Management CLI client sessions are still opened
- Verified
JBEAP-27541 [QE](8.0.z) Excessive DEBUG logging on server startup
- Verified
JBEAP-27699 (8.0.z) StringIndexOutOfBoundsException on JDK 21 GA release
- Verified
JBEAP-27742 [GSS](8.0.z) WFCORE-6956 - Wrong endpoint-name if the JBoss server name and 'jboss.node.name' are both provided to the server
- Verified
JBEAP-27293 [PM](8.0.z) Upgrade Jandex to 3.0.8.redhat-00001 that supports SE 21
- Closed
- is cloned by
JBEAP-27941 (8.0.z) Upgrade WildFly Core from 21.0.11.Final-redhat-00001 to 21.0.12.Final-redhat-00001
- Closed
- links to
RHSA-2024:133012 Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8.0.4 Security update
RHSA-2024:133013 Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8.0.4 Security update
RHSA-2024:133014 Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8.0.4 Security update