Feature Request
Resolution: Done
When adding some feature packs on top of existing installation, the provisioning configuration might need to be changed.
For instance when installing org.wildfy:wildfly-galleon-pack on top of server provisioned from org.wildfly:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack, the resulting provisioning configuration should replace the org.wildfy:wildfly-galleon-pack configuration with the new feature pack rather than listing both feature packs.
It should also be possible to install additional packages when adding feature packs.
The proposal is to add a feature-pack-templates.yaml configuration file with following schema:
schemaVersion: 1.0.0
- groupId: "org.groupId"
artifactId: "artifactId"
version: "[0,)"
supports-customization: false
requires-layers: false
replaces-dependency: "org.groupId:artifactId"
- example.package
- is incorporated by
JBEAP-26954 (8.0.z) Upgrade jboss-eap-installation-manager (prospero) to 1.1.11.Final
- Closed
As all verified issues should change to closed status, closing them with the bulk update.