Resolution: Unresolved
JBoss Modules installs a java.lang.System.LoggerFinder when used. In it's main entry point it activates this logger finder by executing ModuleLoggerFinder.activate(). However, the bootable JAR does not use JBoss Modules' entry point so this never gets invoked. This leaves the ModuleLoggerFinder in a state of always queuing messages. If a module or deployment attempts to use a System.Logger, the message will never be seen.
This could also lead to a crash if the queue of messages is over loaded.
The issue was introduced in MODULES-441. The ModuleLoggerFinder doesn't take into account that it may never have it's activate method invoked. It was assumed entry points always happen from org.jboss.modules.Main, however that is not the case.
- clones
WFCORE-6712 Bootable JAR deployments cannot use the System.Logger
- Resolved
- is caused by
MODULES-441 Lazily initialize System.Logger's in the ModuleLoggerFinder
- Resolved
- is cloned by
JBEAP-26691 (8.0.z) Bootable JAR deployments cannot use the System.Logger
- Closed
- is related to
JBEAP-26746 (7.4.z) MODULES-447 - The ModuleLoggerFinder should activate to avoid a runaway queue
- Open
MODULES-447 The ModuleLoggerFinder should activate to avoid a runaway queue
- Pull Request Sent