Resolution: Done
Regression, Blocks Testing
root cause: wildfly-maven-plugin depends on different versions of artifacts than are in the repository
root cause detailed: quickstart-parent artifact specifies version of wildfly-maven-plugin.
while eap-maven-plugin depends on wildfly-maven-plugin, their transitive dependencies are not the same. eap-maven-plugin have those synced with the server versions (it depends on WF core artifacts mostly), but wildfly-maven-plugin depends on older versions, not available in the maven repo zip. Those dependencies can't be added to maven repo as another requirement would be broken - we only allow single version of particular artifact to be present in the repo.
why it was missed before CR1: up until official CR1, test-releases we received were depending on older quickstart-parent that managed upstream version of wildfly-maven-plugin and everything worked for us. So the CR1 state was a surprise for us.
solution proposals:
1) revert quickstart-parent to depend on upstream version of wildfly-maven-plugin - no problem with conflicting productized artifacts
2) rebuild wildfly-maven-plugin to depend on the same versions that are included in the repository. That means rebuild wildfly-maven-plugin in PNC and deliver respin of QS zip and Maven repository
3) redesign the plugin - extend eap-maven-plugin with deploy and undeploy goals and then we can only use one plugin, no problem with conflicting versions
4) redesing the plugins - make them depenencyless - make plugins shaded jars - no maven dependencies conflict, no problem on classpath (Maven plugin execution has its own classpath)
- is caused by
JBEAP-25704 Quickstarts: no plugin found error while invoking wildfly:deploy
- Closed