Once EAP is installed from Prospero on Windows, two metadata files has different content than the EAP installed from zip file.

      • .installation\provisioning_record.xml
        • file from EAP installed from zip file uses UNIX style line endings while file from EAP installed from Prospero uses WINDOWS style line endings
        • The same is valid for a path of "jboss-resolved-artifacts-cache" property, Prospero installed EAP with different slash:
          <option name="jboss-resolved-artifacts-cache" value=".installation\.cache"/>
      • .installation\.cache\artifacts.txt
        • same is valid here, different line endings, different slashes (like "org.wildfly.core:wildfly-launcher:jar:21.0.3.Final-redhat-00001::4b3bfdec5525a9c2a1f4762dea2f90c1e7b415b5::bin\launcher.jar")

      Priority of this jira is blocker, because we are in lather phase and each issue needs to be evaluated carefully. AFAIU this can be fixed by filters like this, but not sure whether this is proper solution. Ideally, solution should be long-term and should not be error-prone.

              spyrkob Bartosz Spyrko-Smietanko
              mkopecky@redhat.com Marek Kopecky
              0 Vote for this issue
              11 Start watching this issue
