Resolution: Done
1. Start EAP 6.4.4 in domain mode and deploy application using following CLI command: ~~ [domain@localhost:9999 /] deploy /Applications/WebApp-1.war --server-groups=main-server-group --name=WebApp-1.war --runtime-name=WebApp-1.war ~~~ 2. Deploy next version of application in "disabled" state with same "runtime-name" ~~~ [domain@localhost:9999 /] deploy /Applications/WebApp-2.war --disabled --name=WebApp-2.war --runtime-name=WebApp-1.war ~~~ 3. Now use replace-deployment command to access latest version of application: ~~~ [domain@localhost:9999 /] /server-group=main-server-group:replace-deployment(name=WebApp-2.war,to-replace=WebApp-1.war) ~~~ its working fine,laest version of application is accessable. 4. Now try to undeploy old version of application ~~~ /server-group=main-server-group/deployment=WebApp-1.war:undeploy() ~~~ After undploying older version, we are not able to access(404) latest version of application(WebApp-2.war) as well.To access it we have to redeploy it. Same steps are working fine in Standalone mode.
- clones
WFCORE-1226 undeploying disabled deployment stops service for same runtime-name in DeploymentUndeployHandler
- Resolved