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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-25620

The managment http-interface socket-binding configuration contains an http attribute after configuring SSL


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide
      1. Start the installer
      2. Reach the Secure Managment console screen and enter valid values for configuring SSL
      3. Finish the installation
      4. The standalone.xml config file contains the following configuration:
                  <http-interface http-authentication-factory="management-http-authentication" ssl-context="management-ssl-context">
                      <http-upgrade enabled="true" sasl-authentication-factory="management-sasl-authentication"/>
                      <socket-binding http="management-http" https="management-https"/>

      where the http attribute is not expected.

      Start the installer Reach the Secure Managment console screen and enter valid values for configuring SSL Finish the installation The standalone.xml config file contains the following configuration: ... <management-interfaces> <http- interface http-authentication-factory= "management-http-authentication" ssl-context= "management-ssl-context" > <http-upgrade enabled= " true " sasl-authentication-factory= "management-sasl-authentication" /> <socket-binding http= "management-http" https= "management-https" /> </http- interface > </management-interfaces> ... where the http attribute is not expected.

      The installer creates a http attribute for the management interface socket binding - despite configuring the SSL settings for the management interface - which instead should be not present by default.

      BTW, the standalone-load-balancer.xml config contains just the http attribute:

                  <http-interface http-authentication-factory="management-http-authentication">
                      <http-upgrade enabled="true" sasl-authentication-factory="management-sasl-authentication"/>
                      <socket-binding http="management-http"/>

            spyrkob Bartosz Spyrko-Smietanko
            fburzigo Fabio Burzigotti
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
