• False
    • None
    • False

      watch -n 1 "./jboss-cli.sh -c :reload"
      # show leak
      wget   https://github.com/check-leak/check-leak/releases/download/0.11/check-leak-0.11.jar
      java -jar check-leak-0.11.jar remote --pid <PID_OF_EAP> --report /tmp/report --sleep 5000

      Tool https://github.com/check-leak/check-leak works on principle of reporting new maximum of instances per class. After some time report stabilize to this output

      Processing histogram
      |         1881104 bytes (+6864)|         12059 instances (+44)|[Ljava.lang.Thread; (java.base@17.0.8)
      |         1302240 bytes (+4752)|         27130 instances (+99)|java.lang.ThreadGroup (java.base@17.0.8)
      |          386752 bytes (+1344)|          6043 instances (+21)|io.undertow.server.DefaultByteBufferPool
      |           227568 bytes (+352)|          3016 instances (+11)|[Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup; (java.base@17.0.8)
      |           146064 bytes (+480)|          3043 instances (+10)|java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap (java.base@17.0.8)
      |           145896 bytes (+456)|          6079 instances (+19)|java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue (java.base@17.0.8)
      |           144672 bytes (+528)|          3014 instances (+11)|org.wildfly.transaction.client.provider.jboss.JBossJTALocalTransactionProvider
      |           142104 bytes (+504)|          5921 instances (+21)|io.undertow.server.DefaultByteBufferPool$ThreadLocalData
      |           120880 bytes (+440)|          3022 instances (+11)|java.io.FilePermission (java.base@17.0.8)
      |            97744 bytes (+288)|          6109 instances (+18)|java.lang.ThreadLocal (java.base@17.0.8)
      |            96448 bytes (+352)|          3014 instances (+11)|org.wildfly.transaction.client.provider.jboss.FileSystemXAResourceRegistry
      |            48656 bytes (+160)|          3041 instances (+10)|java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet (java.base@17.0.8)
      |            48224 bytes (+176)|          3014 instances (+11)|com.arjuna.ats.internal.jbossatx.jta.XAResourceRecoveryHelperWrapper
      |            48224 bytes (+176)|          3014 instances (+11)|com.arjuna.ats.internal.jbossatx.jta.jca.XATerminator
      |            48224 bytes (+176)|          3014 instances (+11)|org.wildfly.transaction.client.provider.jboss.JBossLocalTransactionProvider$$Lambda$813/0x00007f373a73e3a8
      |            48224 bytes (+176)|          3014 instances (+11)|org.wildfly.transaction.client.provider.jboss.JBossLocalTransactionProvider$XAImporterImpl

      This mean those classes reach new occurence maximum each time server is reloaded. Even running GC can't stop that observation. Maximum is continuosly rising. When I stop reloading server new maxima are not reported anymore. Increasing trend can be seen also in jconsole diagrams.

      I can observe same behaviour in EAP74, so this is not regression compared to EAP 74. In EAP 74 the trend is much steeper, so maybe there is also different leak.

              thofman Tomas Hofman
              mchoma@redhat.com Martin Choma
              0 Vote for this issue
              11 Start watching this issue
