
    • False
    • None
    • False

      HAL console contain only warning message with link to configure RBAC. see attachment.

      The link configure provider in access-control to rbac

      <access-control provider="rbac">

      This configuration expect roles are mapped to users in "access-control". Externally loaded roles from SSO or mgmt-groups.properties file are ignored.

      To enable externally defined roles needs to be configured use-identity-roles="true". This is not possible to configure in HAL console.

      <access-control provider="rbac" use-identity-roles="true">

      The access-control defined roles is possible configure in HAL console only when elytron-oidc-cliet is not configured yet.

      If the elytron-oidc-cliet is already configured a left side menu for role assignment is missing. see attachment.

      If is configured elytron-oidc-cliet and use-identity-roles="true" The "Access Control" tab is completely missing.

        1. Role-ADMINISTRATOR
          120 kB
          Krystof Stekovic
        2. HalConsoleWarningToConfigureRBAC.png
          59 kB
          Krystof Stekovic

              hpehl@redhat.com Harald Pehl
              rhn-support-kstekovi Krystof Stekovic
              0 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue
