Resolution: Not a Bug
The error happens when building an application image using S2I with the following images:
- registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/jboss-eap-8-tech-preview-eap8-openjdk11-builder-openshift-rhel8:1.0.0.Beta-8
- registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/jboss-eap-8-tech-preview-eap8-openjdk17-builder-openshift-rhel8:latest
If in the final application POD we add a PVC, e.g.:
kind: Pod apiVersion: v1 metadata: ... name: eap-jms-1-46njg ... spec: ... containers: - resources: {} name: eap-jms ... volumeMounts: - name: data-dir mountPath: /opt/eap/standalone/data image: >- image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/amq-tb-1-bm/eap-jms@sha256:bed91f404a29d215196bc620eea73cd31ff6eb34f0f92c1a3b39c33e46f65082 serviceAccount: default volumes: - name: data-dir persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: data-dir ...
we get the following error:
[0m[31m09:33:29,958 ERROR [org.jboss.as.server] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYSRV0057: No deployment content with hash 3a0106200965b83c63b1206f336c9088b9c120b1 is available in the deployment content repository for deployment ROOT.war. Because this Host Controller is booting in ADMIN-ONLY mode, boot will be allowed to proceed to provide administrators an opportunity to correct this problem. If this Host Controller were not in ADMIN-ONLY mode this would be a fatal boot failure.
looks like the deployment in the application image is overridden by the volumeMounts.
The issue was spotted in APPSINT test Eap8AmqBrokerSslTest.