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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-24307

EAP on OpenShift docs do not document ENABLE_JSON_LOGGING


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False

      For the logging aspect of the Runtimes observability policy to be truly realized, the user needs to be able to configure JSON format logging in the application image. But the ENABLE_JSON_LOGGING env var that simplifies doing this is not documented https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/7.4/html/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform

      There is a KCS about this – https://access.redhat.com/solutions/3318531 – but if what Red Hat really wants is to integrate EAP logs with the general OpenShift logging infrastructure I think this need to be in the main docs for EAP 8.

      I think this could use a small doc topic, not just an inclusion of the variable in https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/7.4/html/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/reference_information#reference_configuration_environment_variables. What would be useful there is some general overview of why you would want to use JSON logging; i.e. what benefits does this bring you overall by integrating with the overall OS logging infrastructure? If you're just connecting to a pod and reading its console output, JSON is harder to read, so an indication of / link to the benefits would be good.

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            bstansbe@redhat.com Brian Stansberry
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