When testing validation with oracle (using oracle19cRAC and ojdbc8) using the following code:
for ... iterationNum { OracleValidConnectionChecker or = new OracleValidConnectionChecker(); SQLException ex = or.isValidConnection(con); if(ex==null) System.out.println("Valid connection ..."); else System.out.println("InValid connection ..."+ex.toString()); sleep(time) }
- when the connection to the db is fine the db connection is validated normally ....
- when the connection to the db is interrupted the invalidation message is printed normally ...
- when the network connection is re-established still there are invalidation messages ...
- when the server is restarted the db connection is validated normally again ...
When testing validation with mssql (using mssql2019 and mssql-jdbc-9.2.0.jre8) using the following code ...
for ... iterationNum { MSSQLValidConnectionChecker ms = new MSSQLValidConnectionChecker(); SQLException ex = ms.isValidConnection(con); if(ex==null) System.out.println("Valid ms connection ..."); else System.out.println("InValid ms connection ..." + ex.toString()); sleep(time) }
- when the connection to the db is fine the db connection is validated normally ....
- when the connection to the db is interrupted the isValidConnection method seems to get stuck ...
- most probably the previous network disconnection issue could be the same here ...
- is related to
JBEAP-23506 [GSS](7.4.z) JBJCA-1362 - NPE from SemaphoreConcurrentLinkedDequeManagedConnectionPool.returnForFrequencyCheck
- Reopened